41 Inner Child Journal Prompts for Deep Healing

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On my journey of healing and meeting my authentic self over the past few years, some of the most transformative practices have involved reconnecting with my inner child.

Through the pressure and stress of adult life, I didn’t even realise that there was a wounded part of me within that so desperately needed my love and support, and that this part has been with me since childhood.

Through inner child work, I have been able to rediscover my authentic nature, let go of expectations and beliefs placed on me by others, and even begin to let go of old wounds and past trauma.

The truth is, our inner childs (or children, if you will) have so much insight to give into our current behaviours, beliefs and the patterns that we’re stuck in. We just have to take the time to connect with these parts of ourselves and listen to what they’re crying out for.

One powerful tool for nurturing and healing your inner child in this way is through journaling – I find the act of writing is beneficial for working with the subconscious mind and uncovering the parts of us that can be difficult to connect to.

So in this blog post, I’ll be sharing 41 inner child journal prompts designed to help facilitate deep inner healing in the present.

41 inner child healing journal prompts

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Here’s what you’ll find in this post:

What is Your Inner Child?

Society tends to perpetuate the belief that who we were as a child is an entirely separate entity from who we are now as adults.

We look at childhood photos and videos with a kind of separateness, failing to recognise that the child we’re viewing on the screen isn’t just us “in the past” but still lives inside of us.

Your inner child is this part of you that developed as a child, and represents the essence of who you were during your most formative years – think of childlike qualities like innocence, curiosity, creativity, and vulnerability.

They’re the part of you that experienced the key joys, fears, and traumas that made you who you are today.

And even though you may have lost sight of some of the qualities and feelings, they’re still a fundamental part of who you are and continue to influence your thoughts, behaviours and relationships today due to their core beliefs and wounds, often without your awareness.

young girl blowing dandelion

What is Inner Child Healing?

Inner child healing involves tending to your inner child, by acknowledging, nurturing and reparenting the wounded parts of them.

Inner child practices are based on the belief that although you have grown into adulthood, your inner child is still frozen in time, re-experiencing the emotions of their deepest fears and traumas as if they are a present threat.

Unless we offer this part of us the love and support they need, they will continue to be re-triggered and cause us to operate from our inner child wounds and traumatic states, negatively impacting our relationships and quality of life.

Inner child healing therefore involves revisiting past experiences, addressing unresolved issues, and providing the love, acceptance and validation that may have been lacking during childhood.

By healing your inner child in this way, you can create self-compassion, improve self-esteem, and break the cycle of negative patterns stemming from childhood trauma.

young girl dancing around room in ballet outfit

41 Inner Child Journal Prompts for Healing

While many inner child practices can be intense and focus on big shifts, I find that journaling with your inner child is a more gentle approach to connecting with your inner child regularly.

If you want to explore the effects of this yourself, these inner child journal prompts are a great place to start.

Use them on your healing journey to explore this part of yourself that you may have left alone for some time. Even acknowledging that this part exists can go a long way!

  1. Describe your favourite childhood memory. How does it make you feel? Try to reflect on all of your senses.
  2. Write a letter to your younger self offering love, support and encouragement.
  3. Reflect on a painful childhood experience. How does this make you feel?
  4. What were your favourite subjects in school? Why did you enjoy them? How are these present in your life today?
  5. Did you have an imaginary friend or a special toy growing up? Describe them and their significance to you.
  6. What wounds from your childhood still trigger you as an adult?
  7. Reflect on your relationship with your favourite teachers or mentors from childhood.
  8. List five positive personality traits that you had as a child. How have these traits evolved over time? Where can you see them in yourself today?
  9. What negative emotions and beliefs hold you back the most today? Where in your childhood do you think these originated from?
  10. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your childhood self?
  11. Reflect on your first memory or one of your earliest memories. How do you think this shaped your sense of identity?
  12. What were your biggest childhood dreams or aspirations? Are there any that you still wish to pursue? How have these changed?
  13. What is your biggest fear? When did it first emerge in your life?
  14. Take some time to connect with your inner child. What wounds are they still carrying today?
  15. List the needs of your inner child. How can you meet these needs in your daily life?
  16. Describe a difficult emotion you experienced as a child. How did you cope with it? How does this compare to how you would cope with it today?
  17. Connect with your authentic self by recalling influential moments when you felt most alive and free as a child. How can you embody this authentic self today?
  18. Reflect on your best friend from childhood. What impact did they have on your life?
  19. Explore the role of play, creativity, and imagination in your childhood. What memories come to mind?
  20. Reflect on a painful memory from your past and envision comforting your younger self. What words and actions would you offer them?
  21. How did you navigate challenging situations or conflicts with others during your childhood? How does this compare to today?
  22. Write a love letter to your inner child – express gratitude for their resilience and strength.
  23. Describe your favourite childhood book or story. Why was this significant to you?
  24. Reflect on the TV shows or movies that brought you joy and comfort as a child.
  25. Locate old photos and videos from your childhood. What memories do they bring up? How does looking at these make you feel?
  26. How did you cope with transitions and changes during your childhood?
  27. Reflect on the influence of societal or cultural expectations on your childhood experiences and how this has shaped who you are today.
  28. Describe a moment when you felt misunderstood or unseen as a child.
  29. Open up this space for your inner child to express their feelings without judgment. What do they need to express?
  30. Reflect on how your childhood experiences shaped your beliefs about love and relationships.
  31. Write a letter of gratitude to the people who supported and nurtured you during your childhood. How did they help you navigate your formative years?
  32. Explore the concept of forgiveness for healing childhood wounds. Is there anybody (including yourself) who you feel it’s important to offer your forgiveness?
  33. Reflect on how your family shaped your childhood. What aspects were positive? Was anything missing?
  34. List three ways you can incorporate more joy, playfulness or creativity into your adult life.
  35. List three things you would tell your childhood self if you could travel back in time.
  36. How do you think your inner child would feel about the person you are today?
  37. Reflect on a specific memory from your childhood where you felt proud of yourself or accomplished a goal. How does revisiting this memory impact your self-esteem or self-worth?
  38. Describe a favourite place from your childhood where you felt completely at ease and carefree. Notice how this makes you feel. How can you recreate this safe space in your adult life?
  39. What activities or hobbies allowed you to express yourself freely? How can you reconnect with these today?
  40. Pay attention to your negative self-talk. What negative experiences or painful memories from childhood are playing out in the way you speak to yourself?
  41. What wisdom have you gained from your difficult childhood experiences? How has this made you more resilient today?
inner child healing journal prompts list

Journaling can be a powerful tool for healing your wounded inner child and cultivating a deeper understanding of yourself, so I hope that these inner child journal prompts are a beneficial addition to your practice.

Remember to be gentle with yourself and explore them with an open mind and heart. Don’t rush or push through the healing process – your inner child needs patience and compassion.

In approaching inner child journaling in this way, you can begin the process of reparenting your inner child, facing past wounds, and embracing your authentic self as an adult.

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about esther through the phases

Esther is the founder of Through the Phases, an online space dedicated to balancing personal development and self-care. From her experience living with chronic symptoms, she believes that rest is essential for a sustainable and fulfilling life. She has a degree in Psychology, is yoga teacher trained (200hr), and is currently pursuing a Neuroscience MSc to further study the mind-body connection. Read more about her story here.

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