87 Powerful Affirmations for Manifesting a Job or New Career

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The job you do has a huge impact on your health and wellbeing, more than most people realise.

Most of us spend more of our time working than we do anything else, and so doing something you love and are passionate about is super important.

So if you’re looking to manifest a new job or career for this (or any other) reason using affirmations then you’re in the right place!

Among many other Law of Attraction techniques, using affirmations for manifesting a job can help you to get in alignment with your dream job and open up doors and opportunities where there weren’t any before.

The amazing thing about using affirmations for manifesting a job is that they don’t have to be time consuming.

You can easily weave job attracting affirmations into your morning routine or your day to day life, meaning you can attract new opportunities even if you’re busy in your current job. 

So if you’re curious to explore using job affirmations – keep reading. In this post I’ll be sharing some of the most powerful affirmations for manifesting a job so that you can get to doing something you love.

87 powerful affirmations for manifesting a new job

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Can you manifest a new job?

The short answer is yes – absolutely.

The truth is you can ultimately manifest anything, job included.

Manifestation works on several Universal principles, all of which apply no matter what you’re trying to attract.

So if you have an ideal job in mind, know that it’s possible to make it your reality through manifestation.

Before we move onto using affirmations to attract a new job, I would actually recommend that you read this post on job manifestation so that you cover the fundamentals and can truly begin attracting the job you desire.

How to write affirmations for job manifestation

While I will be showing you some of my most powerful affirmations for manifesting a job or new career, I also think it’s important for you to have the basic skills to write your own affirmations for job manifestation.

The principles for writing affirmations remains the same regardless of your desire, but as a general rule of thumb here are some things you want to consider when writing your own job affirmations.

1. Get clear on what you desire

When writing affirmations to attract a desire, you want to get really clear on what exactly that desire is.

Sure, in this case you want to attract a job, right?

But what specifically does that job embody that you want to attract?

Consider sitting down and reflecting on the following questions to get really clear before writing our affirmations:

  • What will the salary of my new job be?
  • What will my working environment be like?
  • What will my colleagues be like?
  • Where will my job be based?

Get into the nitty gritty details of the job that you desire so that you can begin writing affirmations that cover all of these bases.

That means that you will be affirming the specific job you want for yourself, rather than just attracting any old job.

2. Frame your affirmations in the present tense

Affirmations should absolutely always be in the present tense.

This means writing affirmations that contain phrases like “I am” or “I have” or “I feel”, as opposed to phrases like “I will”.

This ensures that you’re connecting with the energy of your desired reality in the present, rather than always keeping it out of reach in the future.

Trust me when I say that this simple word reframing can make the world of difference when it comes to manifesting with affirmations!

3. Focus on the positive

As well as framing in the present tense, you should also always focus on the positive.

And by that I mean focusing on what you do want, rather than what you don’t want.

For example, if you desire a new job with a supportive boss you could say something like “my new boss is so supportive” rather than “my new boss doesn’t put me down”. 

This is another energetic subtlety that makes a huge difference.

In that second example what you’re actually doing is focusing on the negative and what you don’t want, which is not what you want your focus to be on energetically. This could ultimately keep you stuck in your current undesirable situation. 

In order to attract what you do want you have to make it your focus!

You’ve hopefully already got clear on what it is that you want from a job, so this should be easy enough to communicate.

4. Express feelings or gratitude

For bonus points it always helps to include feelings and gratitude in your affirmations to help you connect to the energy behind them and make them more powerful.

You don’t have to do this with absolutely every affirmation, but it’s particularly helpful if you’re struggling to truly feel into your affirmations.

Using the previous example you might add to this and say “I am so grateful that my new boss is so supportive”.

This automatically heightens the energy of the affirmation and makes it easier to feel into!

Related post: How to Make Affirmations Work Faster (Any Desire!)

87 affirmations for manifesting a job or new career

Now that we’ve covered the basics of writing your own affirmations for job manifestation, let’s look at some ready made affirmations for manifesting a job or new career.

I’ve compiled this list of job affirmations because I consider them to be some of the most powerful to work with.

Give them a read and consider working with a few that you feel are aligned with your current circumstances and desires.

Affirmations for manifesting a new job

If you’re on the hunt for a new job, these are some great affirmations to work with!

  • I am ready for a new job
  • I am worthy of a new job
  • I am happy and positive at my new job
  • I am so excited about my new job
  • I’m ready to elevate my life with a new job
  • I’m so thankful to have a job with a positive work environment
  • It is easy and exciting to search for a new job
  • I thank the Universe for helping me secure this job
  • I am happy and content in my new job
  • There are an abundance of amazing jobs out there that would be perfect for me
  • It’s easy for me to find a job that I love
  • I am attracting the best and most suitable job for me right now
  • The Universe is helping my new job to manifest with ease
  • I’m always attracting better and better jobs
  • The Universe supports me in this career change
affirmations for manifesting a new job - it's easy for me to find a job that I love, I am ready to elevate my life with a new job, I am worthy of a new job

Positive affirmations to manifest your dream job

These affirmations are designed to help you attract your dream job, or the job that’s most aligned with your purpose.

  • The Universe is bringing me the best job for me
  • I am working at my dream job and enjoying every minute
  • I am attracting my dream job to me
  • My perfect job is manifesting for me
  • I am worthy of doing a job that I love
  • The Universe is leading me to my dream job
  • I am worthy of getting my dream job
  • The perfect job for me is out there and I’m ready to find it
  • I’m perfectly qualified for my dream job
  • I am in alignment with my dream job
  • I feel excited to go to work each day
  • I love having a job with flexible hours that works with my schedule
  • My work feels satisfying and rewarding
  • I have the knowledge and skills essential for my dream job
  • I landed my dream job and I am so grateful
  • I love what I do for work
  • Every day my energy aligns even more with my ideal job
  • I am being divinely guided towards my perfect job
  • I release all negative thoughts and beliefs getting in the way of my dream job
affirmations to manifest your dream job - I am worthy of doing a job that I love, I am perfectly qualified for my dream job, my work feels satisfying and rewarding

Affirmations to get a job interview and offer

If you’re hoping to land an interview or secure that job offer, these positive affirmations are for you!

  • Good job offers are flowing to me effortlessly
  • My positive attitude is opening new doors for me
  • I deserve a good job, and I am getting it
  • I am a natural at job interviews
  • I find it easy to connect with employers
  • Job opportunities fall right into my lap
  • I am open and receptive to all job opportunities
  • I confidently demonstrate my strengths at job interviews
  • I feel prepared to ace this job interview
  • I am the best person for this job and the interviewers see that
  • Companies are desperate to hire me
  • I’m so excited to receive the perfect job offer
  • I am so valuable and employers see that
  • I deserve to get this job
  • I feel at ease during job interviews
  • My energy is contagious – job interviews are easy for me
  • I am the perfect candidate for this position
  • I stand out among the rest and I can easily impress interviewers
affirmations to get a job interview/offer - I am so excited to receive the perfect job offer, companies are desperate to hire me, I am the perfect candidate for this position

Affirmations for job and money

These affirmations are perfect for knowing your worth and attracting more money from your work.

  • I have a satisfying job with a wonderful pay
  • Life sends me money-making, joy-inducing opportunities every day
  • My employers love paying me generously for my work
  • I love getting paid for work I enjoy
  • I’m worthy of respect and fair compensation for my work
  • I am rewarded abundantly for the work I do
  • My new job brings me freedom, fun and financial abundance
  • I’m breaking through to my next level of career and financial success
  • I am richly rewarded for the work I do 
  • I am an energetic match for my dream job and salary
  • My salary potential is unlimited
  • I am financially stable and secure because of my work
  • The work I do pays me generously
  • The work I put out into the world brings me a great financial return
  • My salary is always growing
  • People love to pay me for my skills
affirmations for your job and salary - my salary potential is unlimited, I am richly rewarded for the work that I do, I am worthy of fair compensation for my work

Affirmations for career success

Use these affirmations if you’re wanting to climb the career ladder or improve your circumstances in your current job role.

  • I am a magnet for a successful career
  • I am a magnet for new career opportunities
  • I am a magnet for career success
  • I find it easy to network with others
  • I release my limiting beliefs over my career
  • There are so many great career opportunities available for me
  • Doors are always opening for me
  • I am confident in my worth, skills, and knowledge
  • I trust the Universe to lead me to the perfect career
  • I deserve to work at an amazing company that values me
  • I’m so thankful my boss recognizes my hard work and rewards me for it
  • I’m surrounded with the best people at work
  • I am open to opportunities for advancement
  • I have unique gifts and talents that are an asset to my career
  • Everyone at work appreciates me
  • I am where I want to be; I am on the right career path
  • I am ambitious and inspired to achieve my career goals
  • I deserve to move ahead in my career
  • I’m ready to attract my next level of career success
affirmations for career success - I am a magnet for new career opportunities, I trust the universe to lead me to the perfect career, I am ready to attract my next level of career success

And there you have it, those are my top affirmations for manifesting a job or new career.

My hope is that at least one of these affirmations will resonate with you, and you can work with this affirmation to align your energy and reach your full potential.

And if you’d prefer to have a go at writing your own job affirmations for your specific circumstances then I’d really encourage it! Just follow the steps earlier in this post.

Liked this post on job and career affirmations? Check out these other posts too:

And don’t forget to pin this post to come back to later!

affirmations for manifesting a job or new career - I am attracting the best and most suitable job for me right now, I am in alignment with my dream job, I am so excited to receive the perfect job offer, I am an energetic match to my dream job and salary, I deserve to work at an amazing company that values me
about esther through the phases

Esther is the founder of Through the Phases, an online space dedicated to balancing personal development and self-care. From her experience living with chronic symptoms, she believes that rest is essential for a sustainable and fulfilling life. She has a degree in Psychology, is yoga teacher trained (200hr), and is currently pursuing a Neuroscience MSc to further study the mind-body connection. Read more about her story here.

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