20 Powerful Third Eye Affirmations to Heighten Your Intuition

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The third eye chakra is the sixth chakra in the primary chakra system. It is an area that guides our intuition and connects us to our higher power.

When in balance, our intuition can act as a powerful tool to guide us and keep us in alignment with our highest self. But when the third eye chakra is out of balance our intuition will be blocked.

Meditation is a practice that can keep this chakra open and balanced, but third eye affirmations are an equally powerful tool for doing so.

Third eye chakra affirmations can help us to get into an energetic space that clears the third eye chakra and any blockages, allowing our intuition to function as it should.

And what’s more, third eye affirmations are an easy tool to implement to existing practices, meaning it doesn’t have to take much work to heal your third eye.

So, if you’re struggling to listen to your intuition or see clearly in life, third eye affirmations may be able to help you out!

20 powerful third eye chakra affirmations to heighten your intuition

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Third Eye Chakra Meaning

Before we explore some powerful affirmations for the third eye chakra, let’s delve a little deeper into the meaning of the third eye chakra.

In yogic tradition, we have seven chakras or “energy centres” that regulate energetic flow throughout our bodies. Each chakra has a different energetic purpose with different qualities.

The third eye chakra is seen as the area where we transcend duality, or the sense of “I” being separate from the rest of the Universe.

This chakra is associated with the following:

  • Vision
  • Intuition
  • Perception of subtle energies
  • Psychic abilities
  • Connection to wisdom and insight
  • Inspiration and creativity

When this chakra is in balance, you should be able to “see” clearly and follow your intuition, while having a sense of your higher purpose.

You may also feel more connected to others and their energies, as well as the spirit realm.

seven chakras printable poster

Symptoms of a Third Eye Chakra Imbalance

So now we know more about the third eye chakra represents when it’s in balance, but what about when the third eye is dysregulated?

Each chakra has the potential to become out of balance as a result of lifestyle choices, emotional trauma and a result of today’s societal pressures.

Understanding what each chakra looks like when it’s out of balance is the first step in identifying a chakra imbalance in yourself and taking the steps to heal and re-balance it.

When you have a third eye chakra blockage or imbalance, you may experience some symptoms that interfere with the areas we spoke about above, such as intuition, psychic abilities, connection and inspiration.

But that doesn’t just mean you’re lacking in these areas, the symptoms can vary based on whether you have an underactive or overactive imbalance of the third eye.

Symptoms of an underactive third eye chakra

  • Poor vision
  • Poor memory
  • Poor dream recall
  • Poor imagination
  • Difficulty visualizing
  • Denial
  • Insensitivity

Overactive third eye chakra symptoms

  • Nightmares
  • Obsessions
  • Delusions
  • Hallucinations

Now of course it’s important to mention that these symptoms can also be the result of various other medical conditions, so you shouldn’t automatically assume that you have an out of balance third eye if any of these occur.

But if you’ve noticed a pattern of these “symptoms” and you’re already being medically investigated, taking steps to balance your third eye with third eye chakra affirmations won’t hurt.

using Third Eye Affirmations to Unblock Your Third Eye Chakra

Now we’re clued up on the symptoms of a third eye chakra blockage, we can explore using what this entire post is about – third eye chakra affirmations.

Third eye affirmations are an amazing tool to incorporate into your daily routine to open up and balance this area.

And as I said before, you can easily incorporate them into your existing practices to heal your third eye. For example, you can write them in your journal or practice repeating them during meditation.

Or, if you want to increase the potency of your third eye affirmations you can try combining them with an energetic shifting method like the mirror method.

But how you use affirmations is less important than the energy you embody when practicing them. The key is to practice regularly and consistently to get results, and to tune into the energy of the words as you say them.

So with all that being said, these are some of my favorite third eye daily affirmations to open the third eye chakra and connect to your inner wisdom.

20 third eye chakra affirmations for heightened intuition

  1. I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance
  2. I trust my intuition, always
  3. I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences
  4. I am connected to my higher power
  5. I am connected to the wisdom of the Universe
  6. Every situation is an opportunity for growth
  7. I am able to see and act in alignment with my divine purpose
  8. I open myself to new energy and experience
  9. I am a present observer in my life
  10. Seeing and understanding the big picture comes naturally to me
  11. My life moves effortlessly towards my purpose
  12. My imagination is vivid and powerful
  13. I nurture my spirit and am in tune with its needs
  14. I am the source of my truth
  15. I live in alignment with my authentic self
  16. I trust that my highest good is unfolding
  17. I choose to tap into my inner wisdom
  18. My inner wisdom guides me to my highest good
  19. My third eye sees all
  20. I radiate indigo-blue light from my third eye chakra
third eye affirmation - I am connected to my higher power

And there you have it, those are some of my favourite third eye chakra affirmations to open up your third eye and enhance your intuition.

If you feel like you have a third eye chakra imbalance, try working with some of these affirmations to see if they make a difference to your symptoms!

Want more chakra affirmations? Check out some of these posts!

And don’t forget to pin this post for later!

20 third eye affirmations to open your third eye chakra
about esther through the phases

Esther is the founder of Through the Phases, an online space dedicated to balancing personal development and self-care. From her experience living with chronic symptoms, she believes that rest is essential for a sustainable and fulfilling life. She has a degree in Psychology, is yoga teacher trained (200hr), and is currently pursuing a Neuroscience MSc to further study the mind-body connection. Read more about her story here.

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